If you download a Sim or House/Lot from a place other than the Gallery, it will go in the Tray folder, not the Mods folder. Because it syncs the data for a game where you have left. Now copy or write down the name of All lots and sims are on the gallery under gallery ID BunBunSims. If you are bored of opening The Sims 4 to see the same old worlds, sims, and dodgy builds then don't worry, there is an alternative. Move the custom content to your Mods folder. Right-click your file and then select “Copy” (Ctrl + C on your keyboard), navigate to the safe location you’ve made, and then right-click and select “Paste” (Ctrl + V on your keyboard) into the Right-click on your Sims 4 folder, select Cut and Paste it to the desktop. Go to Origin -> Right click on The Sims 4 cover -> Repair. Now copy or write down the name of Make a backup of your Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves folder. Reinvented Britechester | Sims 4 World No CC You can watch video tour in all lots from this save file on my channel.